How to Support the m.i.n.d. movement

Spread the word

Awareness is the first element to change! Help us in spreading the word on the importance of mental health, in and outside the entertainment industry. Follow us on those social media platforms, use those re-gram Apps, and then put your devices down to enjoy the world around you! Share the message that mental health is equally important to physical health. Talk to a friend who may be struggling. Carry your MIND Yeti with pride, knowing you are part of this movement and recognize the value of mental wellness. Start the conversation!

Take the survey

Unfortunately, there is very little research on the status of mental health in entertainment. If you are in the entertainment industry in any capacity, we need your feedback to get a deeper look into how mental health and the industry interact backstage. We have developed a survey to take a closer look at mental health and the unique lifestyle of the industry. The survey takes about 5 minutes and gives you a chance to have a voice in this. Entertainment Industry Survey HERE

Listen, share, support the podcast

The M.I.N.D. Movement Podcast aims to bring greater awareness to some of the intricate facets within the entertainment industry and how those in the industry view mental health/respond to topics surrounding mental health.

Merch with meaning

Rock out some merchandise with meaning!

Join our street team

So what exactly is a "Street Team"? Well, we developed this as a way for individuals to have opportunities in helping us on a case by case basis. If interested, go to our contact page to submit an application for our Street Team.

Financial fun

Restructuring EHS as a non-profit to parent the M.I.N.D. Movement was heavily considered. However, due to associated complexities we decided to give our energies and resources to starting the conversation on mental health, raising awareness, and simply putting proceeds of merchandise sold back into serving those in the industry. We have chosen to put proceeds on merchandise towards financial assistance with therapy, providing educational workshops on mental health in the industry and research. Check out the below graph to see financial breakdown.
